The conditions of production
Participating artists: Andy&Cloud, Lorna Bauer, Stella Baraklianou, Ilias Koen, Nadia Myre, Claudia Piepenbrock, John Player, Tina Tahir
12th October – 11 November, 2017
Eleftheria Tseliou Gallery, Irakleitou 3, Kolonaki, Athens, 106 73 Greece
This exhibition is a group show structured around the work of seven international artists linked to the New Materiality residency at the Banff Arts Centre in Alberta Canada (January – February 2016).
Modes of production are usually encountered within financial models of capitalist societies. By ‘reversible’ here we attempt to articulate when and how the notion of value, art object and agency within the production process are undone. The production of artwork necessarily involves the same ingredients similar to any production line. Labour, materials, space and more essentially, time are what artists deal with in a way that can be profitable or not.
Experimenting with materials and time, experimenting with processes that extend beyond a simple use value principle, in any case, the materiality in the work of these artists is about reversing the phase of production.
Through a variety of materials and exchanges, such as sculpture, installation, ceramics, photography and painting, the artists in this exhibition attempt to uncover or reveal a set of propositions for reversible models of production.