Contemporary Ceramics
My work is a result of my Greek heritage and nod to ancient pottery and ceramics. It also contains contemporary references from my upbringing in Sydney, Australia as well as from living in Los Angeles. A result of travel, migration living in different places at different times, these works attest to constant change and ephemerality evident in the expressive gestural mark-making.
There is no pre-designed sketch or mould to my vases. I follow my intuition and allow the material to guide me. Each vase is made out of several layers of extruded coils, pressed in place by my hands or by smaller carving tools. This method allows for a slow hand-building process, one that deliberately invites interruptions, digressions and movement. It encloses the rhythm of a week. And a week is roughly how long each vase takes from start to finish. Once finished, it is then bisque fired (first firing) and glazed (second firing) with my own custom made glazes.
For more detailed information about exhibitions, please select from the Projects Menu.
For sales enquiries or commission of new works, do not hesitate to get in touch.